by web-admin | Mar 13, 2020 | News
CARI have taken the following measures with our services that will be in place until Monday 30th March 2020 which will scale back the business of the organisation. CARI will still be open in many ways, but with mitigating measures in place to reduce the numbers...
by web-admin | Jan 22, 2020 | News
Thursday 27th February – W.Plunket, 52 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin 1 Quiz Master: Alan McGarry Love
by web-admin | Jan 17, 2020 | News
Walk, jog or run the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon on Sunday 31st of May 2020. Join the CARI team and make a difference to a child’s life. Click here to register and for full details.
by web-admin | Dec 16, 2019 | Uncategorised
Do you have a few hours to offer? Would you like to VOLUNTEER with CARI? CARI need VOLUNTEERS for Child & Family Accompaniment We NEED VOLUNTEERS to train as ACCOMPANIMENT OFFICERS – to accompany and support children and their families, through their...
by web-admin | Nov 20, 2019 | News
CARI is a leading voluntary organisation with a proven track record in providing child centered specialised therapy and support services to children, families and groups affected by child sexual abuse. CARI provided supported both directly and indirectly to 1054...