Tony Noonan of Templeglantine 2019 winner of Energia Ireland’s most Christmassy Home has launched his go Fund me page yesterday on live 95FM and several other radio stations and gave press releases to local and national newspapers.  CARI is one of his chosen charities this year and we will be receiving a donation from funds raised to the Live95 Helping Limerick Children Initiative.  Due to COVID-19 Tony is putting  supporters and Donors health and safety to the forefront of his 2020  campaign and therefore he will not be lighting up this year.  He is appealing to all people who travelled to his Christmassy Home over the past 20 years to see the lights to please donate through his facebook page. Tony has raised huge money over the years for many Limerick Charities and he is urging everyone to stay safe at home and to donate through his Go Fund me link this year.